Carole Parkes, Author


A big “Hello” to everyone inquisitive enough to visit my home page; it’s great to meet you. I hope you’ll stay long enough to visit my other pages on Short Stories, Art Work, Poetry, My Blog, and of course Tissue of Lies my first novel.

I intend to make this blog-site a mixture of articles, short stories, my art, and poetry. The articles will vary and will encompass life experiences, news items and interesting pieces I’ve re-blogged from other people. You’ll see from my posts (the links are above) that I have a wide interest range, so I hope you’ll join me and follow me on my blogging adventure. Together, it could be an enjoyable ride.

I’m not sure if I should plug my books here, but what the heck! Please be aware that all stories, artwork and poetry are my own exclusive work and are subject to copyright laws.

Tissue of Lies cover 2

Tissue of Lies

Alarmingly, Julie’s recently-met birth parents are claiming she’s a stolen child. Her whole life is a lie! SHOULD SHE BELIEVE THEM? WOULD YOU?

 Paperback and eBook are available from Amazon.

YLB Cover Small

Your Last Breath

“If you love to be scared out of your socks, this book is IT … Well written and frightening, the author is quite a craftsman.”

Paperback and eBook are available from Amazon


222 Responses to Carole Parkes, Author

  1. Debbie says:

    Thank you for taking the time to notice and follow Shadows of Love. Bless you!


  2. Hey Carole, thanks for following my other blog, too 😀


  3. Epic Wynn says:

    You readers know they can order a paperback copy if you published via Kindle direct thru the print to order option? Or is that not something you enabled?


  4. Thank you for visiting my site. I wish you well with Tissue of Lies. Interesting cover.


  5. Katherine says:

    And welcome to my hospice volunteering blog! Sounds like we have lots in common!


  6. plblack says:

    Hello! Thank you very much for visiting my blog. Always great to meet other writers out there. 🙂


  7. Pat Cegan says:

    Carole, I tried to buy your book but lists it but does not have pricing or how to order it. Please let me know how I can get it. Best of luck with your book I look forward to reading it. hugs, pat


    • caroleparkes says:

      Hello Pat, thank you for your interest in my book, and for flagging a problem with sales. I had to re-publish with Amazon, and now it won’t be available for 48 hours. I do apologise for this. However, it’s not all bad news. Next week, I hope to promote my book by offering it on a price reduction. Instead of $3.45 it will be $1.62. I hope you’re not too disappointed, and will take advantage of the offer while it’s on.


      • Pat Cegan says:

        Thanks, I have downloaded and always happy to get a good book at a bargin price. I will post a review for you when I finish. hugs, pat


        • caroleparkes says:

          Thank you Pat. I hope you read my recent post about my book, and will take this, and the reduced price into account, when you write your review.


          • Pat Cegan says:

            No problem. As a former professional editor, I know the issues editing present. I seldom do much editing on my blog as I just post too many poems each day to spend the time needed to edit multiple times with time in between each edit to gain a fresh perspective. Sometimes I will reread a poem because someone comments on it and I do not remember the poems. If I find an error, I will correct it. As for your book, editing is important as it does distract as your reader pointed out. Nice that she was able to point them out for you. Looking forward to reading it. hugs, pat


            • caroleparkes says:

              Now I’m scared! Another professional editor reading my book. Oh my!


              • Pat Cegan says:

                Everyone makes errors in writing, Carole, only God is perfect. The Amish put a mistake in their quilts even if there is none signifying that only God can be perfect. I am also a musician but if I listened only for errors, what beauty would I find in the music. I know i will love your book. Be at peace. hugs, pat


                • caroleparkes says:

                  You seem a lovely lady Pat, warm hearted and kind. Thank you for showing you’ll not be looking too closely at my punctuation. I’m now relaxed. Hugs to you too.


  8. Hi Carole, Thanks so much for visiting (and following) African Living. One of our young writers is a poet and a writer. I look forward to sharing your blog with her, and to reading more!


  9. pamkirst2014 says:

    Carole, I enjoyed my journey through your blog. Congratulations on your wide array of accomplishments!




  10. Megan says:

    Thank you so much for the follow, Carole! I’m glad to discover your blog and look forward to reading through it. I cannot vouch for the quality of my writing (I’m just starting out after years of neglecting the craft) but I hope you enjoy it. 🙂



    • caroleparkes says:

      Don’t worry yet about the quality of your work. Our writing is only as good as our knowledge, and improves as we learn. I look at my writing now, and with the knowledge gained from other bloggers, see so many errors. In a years time, having gained more knowledge, I will look on my current posts and cringe.


  11. yvilor says:

    Hi there, Carole; thanks for following my small blog. All the best with your writing; looks like you’re quite prolific.


  12. Kemi Falodun says:

    Thanks for following, it’s a privilege.


  13. Hello Carol

    A Tissue of Lies. Yes, Many years ago I was reading a neuroscience paper about the way we all lie constantly. We mix dreams, fiction, myth and fact to make our own tissue of lies, we call it reality.

    Wow! what a writer and you are following my weblog at

    I adore writing about the Ice Dragon power and Henry Barton-Jones the new Ice Dragon Master and I do exactly the same thing in a his world, it is a mixture of mythm, fiction and fact. i just hope people have the same pleasure reading the stories as I do writing them. Sometimes I cannot see what I am writing for the emotional tears. Do you do that?

    I had an intuitive notion to put a post about my thriller Tango Dragon and the Asteroid found at on the neurofaultprotection weblog because it related to the subject of thinking in a different way.

    Now so much interest, I feel I have to place each days Tango Dragon post on this site.

    Normally viewers go to that site are limited to professional managers and the like, which is all about neuroscience, high performance without the stress, and the power of the unconscious brain/mind and how to access it.

    I have been amazed by the numbers who have contacted me about Tango Dragon on my email but also those who have started to follow neurofaultprotection because of the Ice Dragon posts.

    Incedently you can find all my posts on the Ice Dragon at on the blog page. Just keep on pressing – previous -.

    Soon a new website will be available, My other books will be on this site as they come on stream. The next up will likely be Neuro-Science – Spirituality
    and my Healing Experience, then the next three thrillers in the Ice Dragon series. The Ice Dragon Rising, The Reluctant Hero, and the latest in preparation for the press, Ultimate Suspicion.

    And now you are following me that is just fantastic.

    With warmest regards

    Robert Denton


    • caroleparkes says:

      Looks like you’ve written an amazing series with the Ice Dragon. Keep writing.

      I’m certainly shedding more tears writing my second book, than I did with the first. It’s more emotional because it involves an abandoned baby. Have a great week.


  14. How are you liking the Crimson Earth series on We’re trying to get some feedback from viewers and readers, namely followers. Perhaps you have read it? If not, that is alright. Tell your friends about and publishing their talents!


  15. Dear Carole, I read Tissue a while ago, and I’d like to send you some feedback. Can you email me please?


  16. sundryfolly says:

    I enjoyed reading your thoughts on genealogy and ancestry. Blood lines can indeed be complicated. I look forward to revisiting your blog. Thanks for the follow on Sundry Folly!


  17. I’m going to check this out! 🙂 Good luck in your writing


  18. Thank you ever so much for following my blog! I look forward to reading more of yours! I do hope you like my chapters of my first novel! Have a wonderful day!


  19. Helen C says:

    Good morning, Carole. You are a good writer. I enjoy reading your stories. Following your blog is an easy decision to make. 😉
    Thanks for stopping by and following my blog. I feel honored. Hope I won’t disappoint you.
    Have a great day! Helen


  20. Metafore says:

    Hello Carole! Wonderful hearing from you and thanks so much for following my blog. As you may know, my blog covers several topics, as I don’t see myself straitjacketed into one area of interest. I go after your own heart! 🙂 You have a great one here. Let’s stay connected.


  21. Thank you for following my blog 🙂


  22. Good Morning Carole, thank you so much for following my blog and I have also followed yours. It’s great when we writers can help each other. Have a blessed day.


    • Thank you for commenting and for following. Yes, we must always help each other where we can. Look out for the list of authors, artists and poets I always promote by adding to my posts.


  23. Linda Trout says:

    Thanks so much for following my blog, Carole! I’m now following you and look forward to learning more about you and your writing.
    Linda Trout


  24. sb2711 says:

    Hey thanks for dropping by 🙂 Your blog looks interesting and here you have, another stalker err…follower 😉 🙂


  25. kategresham says:

    Isn’t it wonderful how we are able to stretch ourselves, try new things in our mature years? I don’t think it’s about more time- not in my case anyway, it’s more about confidence and well, realizing that time is definitely finite. Hope you’re enjoying everything you do- writing, painting, crafts…so much! Well done. And thank you for following katesclippings. I shall continue to read yours.


    • Thank you for that interesting comment, and I am enjoying my hobbies enormously. My lovely granddaughter, aged 11, is also doing cross-stitch now. She’s all OOHs and AAH’s walking through craft shops. She definitely takes after me. It’s lovely to see that you’re stretching yourself too. Confidence, as you say, is the key, plus not worrying what people think if you get things wrong.


  26. unbolt says:

    Thank you so much for following my blog, Carole!


  27. jennjenn388 says:

    Thank you for the follow. I look forward to checking more of your blog out. I have another blog besides Welcome to JennTerra on word press. Its called To Write Is Right! And it is solely devoted at this time to my debut novelette, The Orchid Keeper. Its always nice to meet other authors. Your book sounds intriguing. I must read it!


  28. Dear Carole, thank you for the follow. Your About page is an inspiration to me as I have often started and abandoned pieces of work midway for so many reasons: life, kids, work… Reading your brief introduction makes me realise the best thing about writing is you can get back to it the day you decide to do so. Makes me want to recommit to my blog and writing habits with greater commitment. Look forward to visiting again soon, and to being inspired. Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for that really lovely comment. I’m lucky that I’m now fairly free to do the things I want, rather than the chores I have to get done at a certain time. Although my hubby is retired too, and with me 24/7, he’s a fairly placid man. He just leaves me to do whatever I want basically. Life is tougher with little ones, but hang on in there, your time will come. I wrote my novel when my children started school. By getting the housework done early morning, I was able to keep a few hours each day just for me. Determination will see you through.


    • Hi Carole 😀

      Thank you for your follow on my blog as well. For now, I don’t make any drastic promises, but I will likely do more actual writing (blogging, novel work) without youtube to distract me! I will admit that I have a whole new appreciation for what DRUG ADDICTS have to deal with! One day off that stupid site and I already want it back, even while I acknowledge it did nothing for me, except entertain me for a few hours. But it soaked up time like a sponge and left me tired the next day. I’ll hopefully cover that in my next post.

      In the meantime, congrats on your book! I’m looking for some new readings and “Tissue of Lies” sounds like a very promising tale of a day of engrossed page-turning.
      I have an Amazon page for my Kindle, so I’m gonna check out your novel!

      +Bharti Athray ; AMEN!!! I have to read that section! I’ve done my share of writing in stops and starts. Especially blogs. I’m hoping that, now that I’m away from my biggest SOCIAL MEDIA distraction, I will be able to make more time for what I truly WANT to do. 🙂

      Again, though, NO PROMISES for anything major, or even organized, the first week. But I will try to post at LEAST once a week, if not more. Hmmmm…. my most likely day seems FRIDAY, but I’m not going to hold myself to that, since, well…. stuff happens ….

      I think I figured it out. I’ll start a blogging notebook (actual paper and pens) and write down the stuff I want to cover for a specific week and then type up the posts on Friday! 🙂 Problem solved!


      • I wish you luck with the blogging schedule. These social media sites are definitely time consumers. Reading other peoples blogs, it seems you have to set time limits on them, but I also find that hard to do. I’ll be watching out for your posts, but no worries if you can’t find time to write them regularly. By the way, I’d be delighted if you read my book.


      • Thank you, Carole, for your words of encouragement. It is with support from expert bloggers like you that i am constantly inspired to keep writing. And you are right: it is determination to create something that will see me through. Thanks again, for this lovely blog, and your kind support.


  29. babso2you says:

    Congratulations on being published! And, I am honored that you chose to follow me! Be well! ^..^

    Liked by 1 person

  30. bkpyett says:

    Congratulations on your first novel! Thank you also for your follow Carole!


  31. beebeesworld says:

    I forgot to check the boxes so that I would receive notices from you-so here goes beebeesworld


  32. beebeesworld says:

    Thanks for reading the poem on my blog. I will follow your blog and invite you to follow mine. best wishes beebeesworld


  33. I had read some of your work but this is my introduction to you, the person! Nice to meet you, Carole!!


  34. laurie27wsmith says:

    Thanks for dropping by and liking my home page Carole.


  35. Bob Mills says:

    Hi there.
    Well you are busy lady and I will need to return to spend a while checking out your various talents.
    Meanwhile I just wanted to thank you for taking the time out to visit and follow my own blog.
    I am really pleased it was if interest?
    Keep in touch my friend


  36. denarogers says:

    Hi Carole! It seems we have a bit in common. I’ve dabbled with painting and needlepoint, although writing has always been what I enjoy most. I love your paintings by the way and Tissue of Lies sounds interesting.


    • It’s lovely to meet you Dena. I’ve just had a quick look at your site and lked what I saw. I’ll be back later for a proper look; as you say, we do share some interests.


  37. atempleton says:

    You have a very lively site. I like that you’ve incorporated so many different things–art, needlework, short stories, poetry. Thanks for recently following my blog. Hope you enjoy it. Looking forward to reading more here.


    • Thank you for the lovely comment about my site. Now you see why my husband calls me a butterfly; I’m forever flitting from one interest to another. However, I always finish a project before moving on, ha ha. I found your site interesting too and will definitely visit again soon. Have fun every day.


  38. suecoletta says:

    Oh, I just saw the notification that you’re following me too! Thank you!


  39. suecoletta says:

    Hi, Carole! I found you because you “liked” my post “Cookie Monster robbed a store this morning!” on I was so touched by your “Anniversary of the day we met 51 yrs. ago” post, I just had to write to you. In turn, looking through your blog made me want to follow. You’re a talented person, Carole, and your stories/posts are fun and interesting. Great website/blog!


  40. Hi Carole! Thanks for stopping by my little blog and leaving a like. I am so glad to have been introduced to your blog, and congratulations on your published work! When I get a little time I will be sure to get your book. Peggy


  41. lilicasplace says:

    Hi Carole! Thanks so much for following my blog. I just noticed that you designed your own artwork. That’s really impressive; I love the colors on your ebook cover. I look forward to getting to know you. 🙂 Eva


  42. Jane Risdon says:

    thanks so much for liking my author blog and for taking time out to have a look round, glad you enjoyed the short, Under Cover. I am enjoying looking around your pages and want to wish you lots of success with your work. I shall pop back again soon and hope you will too. Appreciate your visit. 🙂


    • That thought is also sent to you. You have worked hard so far and I’m sure you have the energy (and knowledge) to continue until no more can be done. Good luck with your submissions.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Jane Risdon says:

        Carole, thanks so much. I do try. Thanks so much for your good wishes; I need all I can get. It is so daunting. I wish you all the best to….keep me updated. Have a great week. Thanks for popping in 🙂


  43. Carole, I appreciate the like on my poem “We Will Tell You”. Congratulation on your novel. It sounds smashing.


  44. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Carole, it’s lovely to meet other writers.


  45. Ajaytao2010 says:

    Nice reading about you
    Thanks for visiting my blog. Be in touch. Browse through the category sections, I feel you may find something of your interest.

    Please visit my new blog, hope you like it 🙂
    thank you so much dear 🙂


  46. No problem. I consider myself to be an amateur too and I enjoy seeing how well other unknown writers progress. Every professional writer was once an amateur like us.


  47. pndrgn99 says:

    Since I am only an amateur writer and that requires a great deal of time, I can only imagine the effort you have put into becoming a published author. Congratulations.

    thank you for reading my POETRY I was appreciate people’s time and attention.



  48. Please don’t be offended, I was just pointing out that I’m not the best person to judge if your blog will attract high traffic. There is plenty of professional advice here on help and from other bloggers. Keep in mind though that you should always show you’ve read something about the blogger before commenting on their posts. Telling me you’ve read all my books when I’ve only published one is not an honest approach. Don’t give up, just read more from the many helpful hints found on wordpress about blogging.

    Liked by 1 person

  49. Sorry I’m a bit late getting back to you Susan; I’ve been away enjoying our long awaited sunshine. Thanks for your kind words and I do intend to keep on creating. I couldn’t find through google. I’d love to see your website.


  50. spb says:


    Thanks for visiting and following! You may also enjoy, where I share, as you do here, verbal and visual artworks. I’m happy to discover your blog — love the colors in your art pieces and am moved by your words. Keep on creating!



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