My Artwork

Eyedo is Eyesay in portrait form.  This made me giggle!

Eye-do is Eye-say in portrait form. This made me giggle!

Felt Tip Pens - WellFishing in the Gambia

Fingers of Fire - I used this for the cover of my book  "TISSUE OF LIES"

Fingers of Fire – I used this for the cover of my book “TISSUE OF LIES”


Old English Country Cottage

Old English Country Cottage

Just a housewife!autumn3

First Oil Painting

First Oil Painting

Fairy Cerysruinz


Original acrylic painting

Original acrylic painting


Original acrylic painting on block canvas.

Original acrylic painting on block canvas.


A very early painting.

A very early painting.

Original Acrylic Painting. I was trying to capture a pebbled beach.

Original Acrylic Painting. I was trying to capture a pebbled beach.

Original acrylic painting called Hebe Near Steps.

Original acrylic painting called Hebe Near Steps.

Don't laugh at my first attempt at horses, ok nags, ha ha. I was concentratingon trying to capture the wet sand.

Don’t laugh at my first attempt at horses, ok nags, ha ha. I was concentrating on trying to capture the wet sand.

The trees, mountains and pebbles aren't too bad, but oh dear!. Whatever happened to the stream? It looks as if it's travelling uphill, ha ha.

The trees, mountains and pebbles aren’t too bad, but oh dear!. Whatever happened to the stream? It looks as if it’s travelling uphill, ha ha.


Another original painting from my early painting years.

Another original painting from my early painting years.

This was an early painting. I was pleased with the tree trunks but not so happy with the flowers.

This was an early painting. I was pleased with the tree trunks but not so happy with the flowers.

20140520_141325-120140520_141531-1fincastlecFairy Cerysb20140520_140753

Acrylic original painting.

Acrylic original painting.

Acrylic original painting.

Acrylic original painting.

Acrylic original painting.

Acrylic original painting.






Second Ever Portrait in Acrylic.

Second Ever Portrait in Acrylic.

I’ve always wanted to paint but have only taken it up since retirement along with my writing. Although I’ve had no formal training (ha-ha you already guessed after seeing it) I think it shows I do try. I’d love your comments.

88 Responses to My Artwork

  1. Beautiful paintings Carole! I love the painting of the little girl, her eyes are mesmerizing!


  2. Hi Carole how much is the beautiful Original Acrylic painting of the stone building on the hill overlooking the water? Did you have a specific place in mind when you painted it? Blessings, Julie


  3. mikerana says:

    Nice to see a variety of traits in your accomplished personality. It is a perfect combination for an old timer …

    Liked by 1 person

  4. debiriley says:

    the darling little girl with the fairy wings – gorgeous!


  5. I especially enjoyed the Eye and the beach scenes. Thanks for visiting my blog, too.


  6. Pingback: artist | Parkes | s u s a n . p o w e r s . b o u r n e . . . poet . artist . author . editor . herstorian

  7. thank you for following our blog. Love your all your stuff especially the artwork 🙂 Looking forward to reading your book. God Bless


  8. Hi.
    I am very much happy to know you. I am a literature lover and it is my pleasure to follow your blog. This whole website is awesome.


  9. Melissa Shaw-Smith says:

    Really enjoyed looking at your art work. Thanks for sharing it.


  10. mikerana says:

    Sixe and price please


    • caroleparkes says:

      Now that surprised me! You do realise this is only a painting exercise? The light is only a reflection on the glass from the camera flash, and not actually in the painting. However if you’re still interested, it measures 10″ X 8″ (25 X 20cm). I would price it at £35 unframed.


    • caroleparkes says:

      Sorry Mike, I thought you meant the one I just posted. Was there a particular one you were interested in?


  11. mzuritam says:

    I love your pebbled beach, Carole, I haven’t yet succeeded in doing one, yet. I also love castles of any kind!!! Keep it up! I draw and paint, too, from time to time at I haven’t done castles yet, shame on me. Thanks for dropping by my blog.


    • caroleparkes says:

      Thank you for that lovely comment. I admired your elephant ‘Running’ painting, and many others in your website. Keep at it, it’s a wonderful way to express yourself.


  12. hobo hippie says:

    wonderful artwork-happy to follow you-ana


  13. bird says:

    I am so glad I came here to visit you! Words are as beautiful as the strokes of paint you put together!


  14. scrounger1984 says:

    Hello! Thank you for following my blog. I’m really happy that when I followed your trail, I saw that your blog has both stories and art. I really like it when both go together. I haven’t read your writing yet but I saw that you had recently published a book. Congratulations! Did paint the cover illustration for it? It looks really vibrant. If it were on a bookshelf, my eye would naturally congregate to it. I also really like your art. I do some painting too, and though I haven’t had any formal training myself, I refuse to let it stop me. Again, thank you for following me. Have a great day!


    • caroleparkes says:

      Thank you for taking the time to comment. Yes, I did paint the illustration for it although the original, in ‘my paintings’ page, doesn’t have the house in it. I called the painting ‘Fingers of Fire’ I messed a bit with Picasso to produce the final image. I’m in the process of editing my book again so I mught add a couple of characters to the cover before I republish.

      I’ve never had an art lesson either. I just dabble and see if I can get the effect I’m aiming for. I absolutely love your sketches and painting, but I couldn’t find a ‘like’ button for any of them. Maybe if you add one you’ll get more feedback. Acrylic can be used watery like water colour or thick like oul paint so it’s very versatile. I tend to paint a wash first and then use it a bit thicker to paint the details.


      • scrounger1984 says:

        I do the same thing when I painted using acrylics. I just used the same techniques I learned by using watercolors. I definitely love how acrylic is so forgiving of mistakes. It blends pretty well, though the fast drying time took some getting used to. I’d leave, and I’d come back to find my colors had dried, Had to be careful to conserve the rest in the tube after that.


        • caroleparkes says:

          There is a box you can buy in various sizes to preserve your paint for up to a week. I have one, a present, that’s too large sometimes, so I improvised. I made a smaller one from a biscuit tin. I used several layers of damp kitchen roll in the bottom, then cover it with a layer of ‘acrylic pallet paper’. Put paints from your tube onto this and then keep the lid closed once you’ve taken some paints from it to mix in your plastic pallette. I’ve tried using tracing paper for the top layer and that also works. Enjoy.


  15. Niina says:

    Hi and thank you for following my blog! I noticed you have short stories and other writing-related stuff posted and I will definitely check them out, but I wanted to comment on these artworks first. You said you haven’t had any formal training but I quite enjoyed your paintings, especially the little girl fairy and the castle right below it (with the mountains and the castle reflected on the water). Don’t be too modest, I couldn’t tell before you did 🙂


    • caroleparkes says:

      Thank you for your detailed comment, and I’m pleased you liked the paintings. I’ll be watching out for your posts: I just love seeing how bloggers develop. Have a fabulous week.


  16. ninaoconnor says:

    I love the Hebe by the steps, very realistic, lots of movement, well done.


  17. IrishReader says:

    Beautiful artwork!


  18. sunburst2014 says:

    I also noticed the pink fairy was exceptional


  19. Pingback: My Artwork | Life On A Changing Planet

  20. shanil says:

    Hi Carole, I’m already a fan of your works. Great pieces of art


  21. farleysmom says:

    Carole, I love the fairy and the beach scenes. Thanks also for following my blog 🙂


  22. Penticular says:

    Beautiful work Just beautifully mastered art.


  23. ASH says:

    I like so many of these works! The pebbles, the wet sand, and ESPECIALLY the stream running “uphill” are jump-at-you alive! Very nice, all.


  24. Some nice paintings there Carole 🙂 and thanks for following my blog.


  25. christawojo says:

    Colorful and cheerful works! You are a renaissance woman, I see.

    Thanks for following my blog. I’m looking forward to your posts 🙂


  26. You are truly gifted…love the detail and feel of your trees in your various pieces! Landscapes are wonderful! I am now “following” you!


    • Thank you for following me. I enjoyed looking at your site too, and I admire you for caring about the big things in this world. Without people like you there would be even more injustices. Keep educating us with your posts. While we may not all take action, we are taking notice. 🙂


  27. Love your work! I’m going to follow you!! Great art work. You have a lot of talent!


  28. ranu802 says:

    I love your art work, it’s awesome.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. These are lovely. Thank you for sharing them with us.

    Liked by 1 person

  30. Beautiful artwork, Carole. Congratulations.

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Shared on Twitter and following you there. LOVELY ART! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  32. lilicasplace says:

    I love the eye-do as eye-say (had to smile), the fairy (adorable), and the lilacs (one of my favorite flowers) in the vase. Great progression from when you first started.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Thank you. You’re never too old to have a giggle (chuckles).

    Liked by 1 person

  34. Very impressive Carole. Both an artist and author!! Love the Eyedo and little fairy!

    Liked by 1 person

  35. Genuine Poetry says:

    Beautiful paintings. I especially love the beach scenes and the castle.

    Liked by 1 person

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